EM510 MiniMo® Programmable IoT Module


The EM510 is an ultra-compact Tibbo BASIC/C-programmable IoT Module with a single UART, Ethernet, and optional Wi-Fi/BLE* (Bluetooth Low Energy) connectivity. The module offers substantial performance improvements over its predecessor — the original EM500 device.

The second member of our MiniMo® family, the EM510 is designed to be used in tandem with a standard RJ45/magnetics jack. The combined footprint of the EM510 and a typical jack is only 28.5 x 18.5mm (1.12 x 0.73").

Compact dimensions, space-saving "vertical slice" form factor, low power consumption, and economical pricing make the module an excellent fit for miniature, cost-sensitive IoT devices.

Module testing and evaluation can be performed with our EM510EV development system.


  • 17 to 33 times better performance ( depending on the calculations and variable types )
  • -40°C ~ +85°C truly industrial operating temperature range
  • 32-bit architecture
  • SSI object included (faciliates SPI and I2C communications )
  • 2.3 times lower power consumption (110mA vs. 260mA )
  • 8 times faster GPIo manipulation
  • 20°C lower internal running temperature ( 52°C vs. 73°C )
  • BLE ( Bluetooth Low Energy ) communications ( this requires the WA2000 add-on )
  • WPA/WPA2 security modes ( WiFi communications rely on the WA2000 add-on)
  • Over-The-Air updates allow uploading TiOSfirmware and compiled Tibbo BASIC/C app via the BLE interface (this requires the WA2000 add-on and an iOS or Android device)

Technische Beschreibung


Produktcode: 311093


Nach Bestellung


Netto-Preis: 15 690 Ft
Brutto Preis (27% MWST): 19 926 Ft
Bitte um Angebot

In den Korb

Stück/Verpackung: 1 St.
Mindestmenge: 1 St.